
i'm a digital nomad, trying to find my place in the world. looking for anyone who feels the same.

i don't tend to talk a lot, so you'll usually see me lurk. this is normal for me! if you'd like me to speak, please be patient. i tend to have issues with speaking on-time...

as for what i'm doing here - i plan to share my knowledge with you. my observations of the world, and the people living in it; as well as the various things i've found along the way.

site news

latest thoughts

the section for random thoughts that appear in my head, loosely connected. archive

the internet is getting harder and harder to comb through... i got the random idea of compiling a list of various webrings, but i'm not sure where to start :p

...although, i'm sure someone's done it before... which brings me nicely to the topic of "everything already being done before".

i was surprised to find out that it's not even a new idea, dating back a few thousand years... and yet, clearly, we've done a lot of new things since then...

but it's almost hard to imagine any positive progress in today's landscape, y'know? think about it. most of the innovation is either mundane and corporate, or looks for its roots in what's come before us.

we have attempted to monetize every last faucet of creativity we could find. don't even get me started on the metaverse and such. ugh.

where are we, as a technologically-inclined civilisation, headed? were we always supposed to be stuck on the same few websites, which only aim to maximize their own profits?

the obvious answer is no. i mean, look at all the fine websites here on neocities! sure, the learning curve for making websites may be larger than the one for just posting a tweet, but it is certainly much more rewarding.

this isn't to say we should be looking towards the past when making websites - the tools for making the web have grown quite powerful. don't be afraid to use them to your advantage. experiment.

message of the now

...at the end of the day, the internet is our space. we can shape it however we want, sometimes moreso than the real world around us.

as artificial as it may be, this is now our reality. who said we had to leave its fate to others?